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Free open-source e-commerce solutions based on store

Are you looking for a way to make your site up for sale, but do not know how to do it? If you prefer not a lot of money to a professional, specializing in software development for your site? In other words, looking for a good e-commerce software, but do not want too much money? EzOSC look no further! Free ezOSC is exactly what he said, is a free software package that can be easily integrated into your website and can be customized to your needs and designs.

This software comes with hundreds of free templates to facilitate the design process. You can use simple interfaces that are both functional and easy to use. Provide a simple experience for end users is very important in e-commerce, ezOSC is the ideal choice.

It is also very easy to use, both for beginners and experienced developers. The program is fully compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5 and provides a framework for managing the store in your business easily and smoothly.
You can have an unlimited number of products and can easily add, remove or edit notes quickly and as needed. A well-designed structure allows products in respective categories.

To increase consumer confidence, all transactions in a secure SSL. It also includes functions that users can leave comments and feedback on their products, this activity was a tool to strengthen consumer confidence and more sales.

With regard to payment options, is a simple interface for various types of electronic payments such as PayPal,, iPayment and 2CheckOut. If you prefer, use the offline methods of payment, ezOSC offers many opportunities to make this possible, for example, a check, money order, or offline processing of credit cards.
ezOSC is completely free, multilingual, so that customers speak English, German or Spanish languages have no difficulty in buying their products. Other languages are also available.

When you're ready to begin real money on the Internet and are willing to choose e-commerce software, you can not over ezOSC.

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